Dreams of the Golden Mountain (Hardcover) 

Dreams of the Golden Mountain is a documentary book of black and white photography depicting Chinese communities across America from 1974-1995. Focusing specifically on migration and Chinese diaspora, this work captures the private homes and the typical Chinese businesses of garment factories, restaurants and laundries, not seen from the streets.

  • 147 BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHS - Pok Chi Lau documents Chinese diaspora by photographing and the lives of Chinese immigrants in America. Through a journalistic, documentary style Pok Chi Lau reveals the common and yet unique experiences of individuals that have settled
  • 244 PAGES IN ENGLISH, CHINESE, AND FRENCH - Each page contains text in three different languages to make the content accessible to a wider range of readers.
  • POK CHI LAU 劉博智 -Born in British Hong Kong in 1950. Since 1967, Pok Chi Lau 劉博智, has been a documentary photographer. His work on migration focuses on the Chinese Diaspora in the Americas, Cuba, and Malaysia and now Myanmar. For a decade, he also documented the Diaspora within China, where rural migrants from all over China moved to seek factory work in coastal Made-in-China regions.
  • AWARD WINNING - Dreams of the Golden Mountain received the William Rockhill Nelson Book Award

Purchase Dreams of the Golden Mountain. Contact Pok Chi Lau by email: pokchi@pokchilau.com

Flow China (Hardcover)

Flow China is a photography book by Pok Chi Lau that tells the personal stories of Chinese diaspora, both globally and within China itself. The book contains black and white and color photographs as well as dyptich images using current and historical photographs. The work reflect desires and aspirations, cultural changes, and adaptations among the poor and the middle class, both in China and other host countries. 

  • 251 COLOR AND BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHS - In Flow China, Pok Chi Lau documents Chinese diaspora by photographing global Chinese immigrant populations, as well as the migration of rural Chinese within China itself; in addition to photographs, Pok Chi Lau interweaves personal and historical text throughout the book 
  • 297 PAGES IN ENGLISH AND MANDARIN CHINESE - Each page contains text in two different languages to make the content accessible to a wider range of readers.
  • POK CHI LAU 劉博智 -Born in British Hong Kong in 1950. Since 1967, Pok Chi Lau 劉博智, has been a documentary photographer. His work on migration focuses on the Chinese Diaspora in the Americas, Cuba, and Malaysia and now Myanmar. For a decade, he also documented the Diaspora within China, where rural migrants from all over China moved to seek factory work in coastal Made-in-China regions.

Purchase Flow China . Contact Pok Chi Lau by email: pokchi@pokchilau.com

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