Imagining Ancestors - 2023 West Africa

Imagining Ancestors features large diptychs of the Batammariba people of Togo, Africa, holding images of slaves brought to the Americas and the Caribbean, paired with pictures of commodities that accompanied them to the countries of their enslavers. The photographs are vibrant, detailed, and depict the contrast between modern and traditional life, including the unique architecture and facial identity marks.

01. African Rock with green waves / Man leaning on ancestral Fakanfa / James Singleton 83 - Brazil flag

02. African shell / Grandson n Grandmother with hats in Tamberma kitchen / John SmithHaiti

03. African coral / Chief in his traditional robe / Lucy Thomas, Marshall-Nicaragua

04. Alligator skull / Haitian disabled woman / John Smith- Haiti

05. Banana flower / Fadiouth retired fisherman in orange shirt / Georgia Flournoy - British Virgin Islands

06. Banana leaf / Woman with horn hat standing next to dry branch / Martha Bunton, Austin, Texas-Bahamas

07. Blue water / Door of No Return in motion, Goree Island

08. Calm sea / Red cut-off hands and fingers fabric / Lucy Thomas, Marshall-Nicaragua

09. Cassava / Tamberma mother nursing baby in sleep / Andrew Moody and wife Tildy, Orange-Aruba

10. Cassava / Tamberma Woman in her kitchen / Felice Boudreaux, Beaumont-Belize

11. A branch of banana / Tamberma woman in front of her kitchen / Felice Boudreaux, Beaumont-Belize

12. Dark wet banana leaves / Woman in front of skulls inside a mud house / Aunt WinnieVenuzuela

13. El Cobre dead lake Cuba / Carleen and Dia / Ann Edwards, Fort Worth - USA

14. Offerings to the dead at the poisonous lake El Cobre / El Cobre , Cuba

15. Fadiouth fisherman / Calm sea / Maryann Patterson, Austin TX -Cuba

16. Fadiuoth fisherman / Pointe des Almadies lighthouse / Minerva & Edgar Bendy, Woodville-Panama

17. Farmer hunter / Corn with silks / John Smith- Haiti

18. Guy, a teenage laborer / Latex / Ben Kinchelow, Hondo TX-Honduras

19. Hunter worrier / American war boot from Congo / Ann Edwards, Fort Worth - USA

20. Westest Lighthouse / Native boy in hat inside Tamberma / John Smith- Haiti

21. Nigerian Man standing by the Door of No Return / Tropical Forest

22. A stock of banana / Tamberma mother with curious baby daughter / Wes Brady, Marshall-Costa Rica

23. Sugarcane /Aneho man with a scar in blue / Anderson & Minerva Edwards, Marshall Antigua and Barbuda

Sand Pile - Laborer  / Togo West Africa

25. Tamberma teenager with American flag / Gravel pile / Ann Edwards, Fort Worth - USA

26. Hand cutting rubber tree for latex/ Three Women outside a store / Julia Williams Wadsworth-Jamaica

27. Banana leaf shoot / Mother with 2 daughter, Aneho / Josephine Hill-Puerto Rico

28. Intimidating big cow / Man in front of hay / Mose Hursey, Dallas-Martiniqui

29. Smiling Beauty / Blue water / Johanna Lesley-dominican Republic

30. Tamberma boys behind ancestral Fakanfa / Shackles used on slaves / Mose Hursey, Dallas-Martiniqui

31. Forest fog / Carleen Roberts / Julia Williams Wadsworth-Jamaica

32. Tamberma girl in ball lumps hairdo / Corn with silks / Julia Williams Wadsworth- Jamaica

33. Lawsons in Lome / Gravel pile for the Lawson family house expansion / 7 countries

34. Pointe des Almadies / Tamberma folks/ 21 countries

35. Man in grey hair / sardines / Mose Hursey, Dallas-Martiniqui

36. Man on the beach / Tamberma boy napping under Balboa tree

37. Tamberma man with fur hat / Abandoned Tamberma / James Singleton 83 - Brazil

38. Mother and daughter in Fadiuoth / Seed pod on Goree Island / Georgia Flournoy- British Virgin Islands

39. Pounding waves / 4 men in Goree sea raining / Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama, Haiti

40. Robotman / Nike / Betty Simmons, Beaumont-Virgin Island

41. Rubber plantation / Teenage laborer / Ben Kinchelow, Hondo TX-Honduras

42. Sand pile / laborers shoveling sand / Togo

43. Woman and Baby Tamberma  / Tara Somba overlooking the Koutammakou region / Sarah Ashley, Texas-Montserrat

44. Waves with orange wave / Dead man on Goree Island Beach / Mose Hursey, Dallas / Martiniqui

45. Tamberma woman sitting by Baobab tree / Cattleman outside Tamberma villages / Clara Brim, Beaumont, Texas-Suriname

46. Tamberma woman with scar lines of her face / Banana field / James Singleton 83 - Brazil

47. Tamberma women hanging out by the Nere Tree / Cassava forest / Josephine Hill- Puerto Rico

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